Thursday, November 04, 2010

TeliaSonera honcho talks about Latvian telco privatization

Håkan Dahlström, TeliaSonera's head of Mobility was in Riga briefly and sat down for a short chat with this blogger about the state of play on the issue of privatizing Lattelecom and Latvian Mobile Telephone (LMT), now that the elections are over and the old/new government has been voted in by the parliament or Saeima,

Here is what he had to say on video:


Anonymous said...

Lai novērstu traucējošo reverberāciju, ir tikai divas izvēles - virziendarbības mikrofons vai tuvās darbības mikrofons.

Nedrīkst šo runas pārraides aksiomu neievērot un netieši apdraudēt savu lielisko rastnieka reputaciju!

Žēl - es to zviedru labprāt būtu noklausījies :)

Juris Kaža said...

Skaņa sādās spontānas intervijas ir vājais punkts, bet man neliekas tik traki. Lietojot piespraužamu mikrofonu pazūd intervētāja balss.

The commentator complains about sound, I agree it is a problem when doing hasty interviews, but using a clip mike causes the interviewer's voice to fade.