Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Softphones coming to Latvia?

Lattelecom and at least one mobile operator are considering the introduction of softphone solutions. This means that when the "ordinary" landline or mobile phone rings, it would also ring a softphone on a PC or laptop. One advantage to this is that the local line would be portable across the internet, to practically anywhere in the world. Estonia's Elion has something like this already. It would also make the home landline phone portable to, say, a summer house or second residence with an internet connection. Rumor has it that Bite might be the first to introduce such a service.


miks said...

A good news but it's not the reason I'm writing this comment ;-).
The thing is that I've been following your blog via RSS for quite a while. But then, a month or two ago the RSS reader started to give an error. Now I've had a bit of time to investigate and it seems that the issue is in "XML parsing failed: syntax error (Line: 1, Character: 0)". The URL is http://latviantelecoms.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default and I'm using the Newsfox extension in Firefox for Windows. I've also double checked in Opera -- the same error. So, I'm wondering is it something at the blogger.com side or is it me

Anonymous said...

Works fine for me (RSS on a personalized google.com homepage). So the problem is either client specific or has been fixed already.