Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mobile pesterware campaign starts for 8 digits

My operator, Latvian Mobile Telephone (LMT), and, presumably, all the others, have started a pesterware campaign ahead of the November 1 final and irrevocable switch to eight digit numbering for all mobile numbers. Basically, it means put a 2 in front of any existing mobile number.
What is pesterware? It is now a recording that sounds if you do not dial with a 2 in front, or an SMS for sending a SMS without the 2.
Actually, it is not a bad idea, because anyone who wakes up and can't dial his favorite contacts on November 1 can be told ...we told you so.. again, once more, yet again, one more time, just so you remember, repeating for you to write down....
Download of the month by mid-October -- the female voice talking about the 2, then she gets strangled and makes horrible gargling and gagging noises, followed by 900 000 cheering LMT customers. Yours to download for LVL 0.35.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is not a campain ahead of the MK conditions. According to "Noteikumi par kartibu un terminiem parejai uz slegto astonciparu numeracijas shemu" ( clause 11:

Ar 2006.gada 1.augustu, ja publiskā mobilā elektronisko sakaru tīkla abonents vai lietotājs zvana uz publiskā mobilā elektronisko sakaru tīkla septiņciparu numu­ru, operators atskaņo informatīvo paziņojumu ar ieteikumu lietot atbilstošo astoņciparu numuru un veic savienojumu. Saņemot zvanus no citiem operato­riem, ar kuriem noslēgts starpsavienojuma līgums, operators atskaņo informatī­vo paziņojumu ar ieteikumu lietot atbilstošo astoņciparu numuru un veic savienojumu.