Thursday, June 16, 2005

More thoughts for Mikke on TeliaSonera

Mikke is Michael Törnwall, a Swedish business journalist who has written an analysis of TeliaSonera, the half-mother of Latvia's Lattelekom and the full parent of Lietuvos Telekomas, Omnitel and Elion of Estonia. It was retold, more or less, in English here earlier.
I have some thoughts to add to his earlier analysis.
It seems that the "children" or subsidiaries may be more nimble and speedy than the parent. Lattelekom, at least, is moving ahead into business process outsourcing, making alliances with Germany's T-Systeme (for public sector, EU related work) and with Exigen in the private sector, something which has stagnated so far because of unresolved issues between the Latvian and American (in name, all of Exigen's development work is done in Latvia) companies.
The view may well be that compared to the kids, momma in Sweden is a bit slow on making major decisions. Which brings us back to the issue of what will happen to TeliaSonera in the medium term. As it continues to meet resistance to its planned acquisitions in Turkey and Russia (but with sufficient cash to do so, were the other parties ready to sell), TeliaSonera looks more and more like it could be snatched by someone bigger and faster. This thought has entered the minds of some of the TeliaSonera affiliated companies' management, that it is perhaps inevitable that TeliaSonera will be bought by someone. The hope is that the someone will be more like the "kids" than the present mother – that is, lean and fast and likely to put its acquisition into order. In fact, if this happens, the Baltic subsidiaries may be called upon to help make their now "married" mother work more efficiently.

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