Tuesday, May 02, 2006

F**K IT!!! (perhaps)

This is not so much about telecoms as it is about telecoms journalism. Last week, I got my good sources to give most of the details of the Lattelekom-Triatel deal to finish modernizing the fixed voice network using fixed wireless CDMA technology. I explained how Lattelekom would be buying the CDMA radio units, how most customers getting this modernization would continue to use their old fixed handsets, how a 100 kbps internet link would be possible for some, with high speed internet possible later and in some areas (likely at additional cost). I suspect I pretty much got most of the story ahead of anyone else and I submitted a good curtain raiser/exclusive. The newspaper shitcanned it. An exclusive, though not earthshaking story. So fuck them.
This blog is become more and more important for getting across what I know, both from attributable sources and well...others.

A later note
Just adding this note today, May 3, that I checked only the internet version of the paper last night when I first wrote this rant. It should contain the entire print edition text, but sometimes it doesn't.
The person who was news editor is relatively new to her job and, like many, clueless about telecoms stories or technology more complicated than a ball-point pen. So I am off to work to see whether the story was really canned in print as well.
The worst of it is that I spend time and effort at the editor's behest to add some comment from the side, a technique that is sometimes interesting and illustrates the impact of the story on someone the reader can identify with, other times, it is just following mindless routine. It was a bit more of the latter, as when we first revealed the Lattelekom-Triatel relationship we already quoted the managing director of the Latvian Telecommunications Association as saying this was a good thing. But I tracked down one contact (in Philadelphia) who is a businessman with a country house in some hell by the cartwheel place (for middle of f**king nowhere, Latvians say ellē ratā which really doesn't translate..:) ) and got his views, plus a short list of customers from Lattelekom who had CDMA fixed phones installed. As it is, a fucking waste of time, unless the print paper used it...
I don't have enough contacts at the local mental hospitals to find someone to say that modernizing telecommunications with wireless technologies was BAD because more demons would come to his/her head over the Satanic frequencies used by the great Satan Lattelekom. So I did my best...

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