Tuesday, November 28, 2006

NATO battles social networking website? :) :)

Three people at the NATO press center have tried to connect to the highly popular Latvian social networking website draugiem.lv only to be bounced to the NATO summit home page. Blocking draugiem (for friends) is common at many workplaces, but since members of the Latvian press also use this for messaging, it is a rather bizarre thing to here under NATO auspices. Draugiem has more than 700 000 users in a country of 2.2 million. One wonders who had it cut off and what other websites have been blocked at the press center (most of the IT related international sites I have accessed yesterday from the press center were OK).


Juris Kaža said...

I use draugiem.lv as a kind of third e-mail site, sometimes for work-related stuff. Also, whatever is happening on draugiem as a whole is of interest to me professionally. I think other journalists use draugiem for more than just fun as well :)

Anonymous said...

Exactly, frype to many people now is more than a place to have fun. That's a platform for endless connections and messaging.